Tonight on Anderson 360, there was a dialogue between Rep. Holmes-Norton (Obama Supporter) and Rep. Tubbs-Jones (Black Clinton Supporter). They were discussing comments by Representative Clyburn calling Bill Clinton's remarks "bizarre." I applaud Rep. Clyburn because he is speaking truth to power. For pundits to state that Obama cannot win the election without the white vote, while suggesting that Clinton could win without the Black vote is a gamble I am confident the Democrats do not want to take.
In the debate between Rep. Holmes-Norton and Rep. Tubbs-Jones, it was suggested that Black
people would not hold the Clintons accountable for their blatant racism and race bating.
But, reparations means HOLDING the Clintons (yes, Hillary and Bill) accountable if the nomination is stolen from Senator Obama. The Black Elite are banking on the fickle nature of the Black Electorate. It was even said during the course of debate that Black people will "forget" this and remain committed to the Democratic Party. But, how could you remain committed to a Party that is not committed to you? How can you forget the actions of a Party that clearly state your lack of value?
If we do not hold the Clintons accountable, then we deserve to be mistreated. If we do not hold accountable those Black leaders who support Clinton despite the overwhelming support of their constituency for Obama, we deserve to be abused.
Reparations means holding the Clintons (yes, Hillary and Bill) accountable if the nomination is stolen from Senator Obama. And as the last Democratic President, the Clintons are the Standard Bearers of the Democratic Party. So, ultimately reparations also means holding the Democratic Party accountable if the nomination is stolen from Senator Obama.
We must come to realize that neither Party has our interests at heart. Just at the Republican Party is deemed to be racist, the Democratic Power can now be seen in its "racist glory." The Clintons are so self-serving that they will bloody up Senator Obama so that he cannot win the general that she can run again in 2012. But, to attain reparations we must ensure that the irreparable breach Rep. Clyburn described actually comes to pass.
Reparations means holding the Clintons (yes, Hillary and Bill) accountable if the nomination is stolen from Senator Obama. And, the Clintons are the Democratic Party - so, reparations means holding the Democratic Party accountable if the nomination is stolen from Senator Obama. This breach is the opportunity we need to empower the Community and attain our reparations...because, by this breach we may begin to take a closer analysis of policy and platforms - rather than simple Party Affiliation.
What do you think? How should Party Affiliation impact the Black Community? Can the Black Community afford to be governed by strict Party Allegiance? Chime in on our Reparative Forum. Or, join our Facebook, LinkedIn, BlackPlanet or Plaxo groups. Together we can make advances for political and economic empowerment.
Come and Get Your Reparations!
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Reparations Means HOLDING the Clintons (yes, Hillary and Bill) Accountable if the Nomination is Stolen from Senator Obama
Reparative Statement by Jabriel Ballentine at 12:24 AM 1 Reparative Thoughts
Reparative Issues: Barack Obama, Race and Politics, Racism in America, Reparations, Senator Obama
Friday, April 25, 2008
Reparations Means Acknowledging that There ARE Winners and Losers in the Sean Bell Murder Trial
Today, a NY City "Judge" issued his verdict acquitting three New York Police Officers of murdering Sean Bell. You know...frankly, I am not surprised. Are you surprised? Are you shocked that the police are free to kill Black people? Is it hard to understand how in the 21st Century, with pundits telling us how far we have come with race relations in this Country, that the benchmark for "fairness" is trained police having the right to unload 50 shots and stand justified?
Reparations Means Acknowledging that There ARE Winners and Losers in the Sean Bell Murder Trial.
Who are the winners? Well, the NYPD - who, after Amadu Diallo and Sean Bell, are more confident that they are free to shoot (and kill) unarmed Black males with Government approval. The winners are these officers, who will not (as of now) serve time for their crime. The winner is the City of New York, who will not - as yet - be held liable and responsible for this malfeasance.
Who are the losers? Well, how about Sean Bell who is dead? What about his fiancée? What about his children and his parents? What about his friends who also were shot...all of whom see no justice? The losers are the Black Community, who is reminded that their lives are of no value to the larger society and that their lives can be taken at any moment - with no consequences.
My father - Krim Ballentine - is a retired Chief Deputy US Marshall, former Asst. Police Commissioner, had designed and organized a police force, and has over 30 years of law enforcement experience. My mother - Rosalie Ballentine - is a former Attorney General. And, we spoke about this.
Yes, there are legal loopholes that could allow for these men to be acquitted. But, legal loopholes do not equate to justice. The Judge indicated that the police officers story was more believable than the victims' story, and said prosecutors did not prove - beyond a reasonable doubt - that the shootings were unjustified.
You see, this is why Reparations means acknowledging that there ARE winners and losers in the Sean Bell Murder Trial. There is no way you can tell me that 50 shots at unarmed men can be justified. Maybe you can justify 1-10 shots. With 5 officers shooting, 10 shots are easy. But, you cannot tell me that "New York's Finest" - with the rigors of their training - do not know how to discern a scene. Ok, maybe they believe that Bell and his friends are armed...maybe. But, how do they not realize - in the midst of this "gun fight" - that no one is returning fire? Again, police officers are trained to remain calm. These men were detectives, who "earned" that status because of their so-called "abilities." Again, how do you justify 50 shots at unarmed men. How do you justify one officer emptying two clips?
Reparations means acknowledging that there ARE winners and losers in the Sean Bell Murder Trial. The Status Quo has won and the people have lost. But, from defeat comes the opportunity for recommitted vigilance. From the ashes comes rebirth. Every loss provides lessons for us to achieve victory. These times cause us to band together, and we can harness the potential power of this unity and channel it for good.
This is reparations: finding rallying points, banding together and promoting the Cause of our people. So, question: what do you think we can do to defend the Community from police brutality? Log onto our Reparative Forum and voice your thoughts.
Come and Get Your Reparations!
Reparative Statement by Mr. Reparations at 8:30 AM 1 Reparative Thoughts
Reparative Issues: Racism in America, Reparations
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Reparations Means Revisiting the "Talented Tenth" Theory
The Talented Tenth of the Negro race must be made leaders of thought and missionaries of culture among their people...The Negro race, like all other races, is going to be saved by its exceptional men. The Talented TenthFor many years, I have had a bit of a problem with this so-called "Talented Tenth" theory. The premise is decent, yet the adage holds true: power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts - absolutely! That is the state of Black Leadership. By and large, they are our race's "exceptional men," and they have been made "leaders" among us (their people). What has proven extremely problematic and downright disturbing is the chaos into which they have led us.
Reparations means revisiting the "talented tenth" theory because it is not all it is cracked-up to be. Our "exceptional men" have led us on a course to greater disparities in educational level, income level, access to health care, access to housing, political disfranchisement, and etc. They have turned their backs on the community, instead using their exceptional ability to stash $90K in their freezers and land positions at big energy lobbying firms. They have chosen to slam others of the community for the sake of book sales. They leave one academic plantation to teach at another.
So, where did this theory go awry? With integration came our demise. Now, I do not wish for forced segregation. But, there must be something for the people living together. First, the Bible says how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together. Second, look around: you will find a Jewish Community, a Hispanic Community (and within that a Salvadoran, Mexican, Puerto Rican, Bolivian, et al), a Chinese Community, an Italian Community, an Irish Community, a Russian Community and on and on and on...
Why is it that these other ethnic groups live together? Have they caught on to something that we have missed? Yes, we still have a Black Community. But, how many of the "Talented Tenth" live amongst their brethren? How many of our "exceptional men" still live amongst those this theory claims to uplift?
In the aforementioned communities, rich and poor Jews live and poor Hispanics live and poor Italians live together. And, together they help each other...together, their communities thrive. But, what about us?
This is why reparations means revisiting the "talented tenth" theory. We have all the tools we need to uplift the Black Community. And if we revisit this "talented tenth" theory, we might be able to draw benefit from it. This is the mission of Simmonds Ballentine, bring together the best and brightest of our race and provide exceptional (and culturally/historically conscious) service. What if we were to take the young bright minds of our people and engage them in economic and political empowerment? What if you bright and energetic Blacks join us in building the Community? Can you imagine what the Black Community would look like if your skills and talents were employed in nonprofit and business development in the Black Community? I think it would be beautiful.
But, the access to power that our education has afforded us has corrupted us. And, integration has aided that corruption. With the individualism of society, the "Best of this race" grew to become self-serving. Brother DuBois says, "If we make money the object of man-training, we shall develop money-makers but not necessarily men." Hmmmm....Maybe that's why the "best of our race" stashes money in the freezer?
Again, reparations means revisiting the "talented tenth" theory. We must begin to use our abilities for the benefit of the Community. We have to build our nonprofit organizations and strengthen our Black Businesses. We should provide them with service that helps them to be on par with their mainstream counterparts and become sources of economic and social empowerment for the Global Black Community. DuBois was correct: we do need education...we do need to empower those of our race who are successful in completing their educational pursuits. as he says, "The Talented Tenth of the Negro race must be made leaders of thought and missionaries of culture among their people...and Negro colleges must train men for it." The mainstream (White) educational system cannot do this work. Why? Because, we must empower them with a consciousness that deepens their commitment to the Cause of the Black Community.
If we redress the "talented tenth" theory, we can re-engage those of our race who have the knowledge to build the institutions needed for reparations. So, I hope you will look to the right and join a group. I hope you will download a flyer from our Google Group and promote the Cause. I hope you will engage in the discussion and recruit your friends. The Community is waiting on YOU!
Come and Get Your Reparations!
Reparative Statement by Mr. Reparations at 11:39 PM 0 Reparative Thoughts
Reparative Issues: Black Empowerment, Reparations
Monday, April 21, 2008
Reparations Means Mastering New Technologies for Grassroots Organizing
Tonight, I took part in the first Reparative Talk show. It was quite an experience. In "The Revolution Will Not Be Televised," Joe Trippi talks about how modern (internet) technology is empowering people to activism. For instance, Reparations: The Blog allows us to engage in debate on reparations. The mainstream media will not address this issue. And, if they do - they tend to gloss over the idea and misconstrue the meaning. But, because of the internet - and the blog - we are able to shape the debate any way we see fit.
Reparations means mastering new technologies for grassroots organizing. Just think at what you are a part of here at Reparations: The are a member of a global community of people - united around the cause of political and economic empowerment of the Global Black Community. Many of you are members of our Facebook group, our Google group, or our LinkedIn Group. Through these groups, members of our community can interact with each other. You Are Not Alone! It's funny: many of us are isolated and think we are the only ones who feel as we do. However, because of the connectivity of the internet you can link with others who share your commitment and ideals. Amazing!
And, because reparations means mastering new technologies for grassroots organizing, we then add talkcasting. When you create a talkcast, you are actually recording a live podcast. Through Reparative Talk we do not need to worry about radio sponsors or sensors. We do not have to worry about Hot 97 or 92Q or Sirius Radio or any other radio venue not accepting us or cutting our programming. We have been empowered to "get the message to the people." And, we are empowering you to share the message with others. You can visit our TalkShoe Page and download this show. You can email it to others. You can share it on your Facebook page.
So, you see: Reparations means mastering new technologies for grassroots organizing. And, I have not mastered them yet...but we are making the effort. I must apologize to those who tried to listen to the show tonight. I experienced a few technical difficulties. But, we carried on with the show and I present it - humbly - for your critique. Join our Google Group and provide your feedback for how to improve the show. What needs to be added? What should be the format?
I enjoyed the opportunity to use this medium. And, I believe you will enjoy the possibilities. So, check it out...
Come and Get Your Reparations!
Reparative Statement by Mr. Reparations at 11:58 PM 0 Reparative Thoughts
Reparative Issues: Organizing, Reparations