Thursday, April 24, 2008

Reparations Means Revisiting the "Talented Tenth" Theory

The Talented Tenth of the Negro race must be made leaders of thought and missionaries of culture among their people...The Negro race, like all other races, is going to be saved by its exceptional men. The Talented Tenth
For many years, I have had a bit of a problem with this so-called "Talented Tenth" theory. The premise is decent, yet the adage holds true: power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts - absolutely! That is the state of Black Leadership. By and large, they are our race's "exceptional men," and they have been made "leaders" among us (their people). What has proven extremely problematic and downright disturbing is the chaos into which they have led us.

Reparations means revisiting the "talented tenth" theory because it is not all it is cracked-up to be. Our "exceptional men" have led us on a course to greater disparities in educational level, income level, access to health care, access to housing, political disfranchisement, and etc. They have turned their backs on the community, instead using their exceptional ability to stash $90K in their freezers and land positions at big energy lobbying firms. They have chosen to slam others of the community for the sake of book sales. They leave one academic plantation to teach at another.

So, where did this theory go awry? With integration came our demise. Now, I do not wish for forced segregation. But, there must be something for the people living together. First, the Bible says how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together. Second, look around: you will find a Jewish Community, a Hispanic Community (and within that a Salvadoran, Mexican, Puerto Rican, Bolivian, et al), a Chinese Community, an Italian Community, an Irish Community, a Russian Community and on and on and on...

Why is it that these other ethnic groups live together? Have they caught on to something that we have missed? Yes, we still have a Black Community. But, how many of the "Talented Tenth" live amongst their brethren? How many of our "exceptional men" still live amongst those this theory claims to uplift?

In the aforementioned communities, rich and poor Jews live and poor Hispanics live and poor Italians live together. And, together they help each other...together, their communities thrive. But, what about us?

This is why reparations means revisiting the "talented tenth" theory. We have all the tools we need to uplift the Black Community. And if we revisit this "talented tenth" theory, we might be able to draw benefit from it. This is the mission of Simmonds Ballentine, bring together the best and brightest of our race and provide exceptional (and culturally/historically conscious) service. What if we were to take the young bright minds of our people and engage them in economic and political empowerment? What if you bright and energetic Blacks join us in building the Community? Can you imagine what the Black Community would look like if your skills and talents were employed in nonprofit and business development in the Black Community? I think it would be beautiful.

But, the access to power that our education has afforded us has corrupted us. And, integration has aided that corruption. With the individualism of society, the "Best of this race" grew to become self-serving. Brother DuBois says, "If we make money the object of man-training, we shall develop money-makers but not necessarily men." Hmmmm....Maybe that's why the "best of our race" stashes money in the freezer?

Again, reparations means revisiting the "talented tenth" theory. We must begin to use our abilities for the benefit of the Community. We have to build our nonprofit organizations and strengthen our Black Businesses. We should provide them with service that helps them to be on par with their mainstream counterparts and become sources of economic and social empowerment for the Global Black Community. DuBois was correct: we do need education...we do need to empower those of our race who are successful in completing their educational pursuits. as he says, "The Talented Tenth of the Negro race must be made leaders of thought and missionaries of culture among their people...and Negro colleges must train men for it." The mainstream (White) educational system cannot do this work. Why? Because, we must empower them with a consciousness that deepens their commitment to the Cause of the Black Community.

If we redress the "talented tenth" theory, we can re-engage those of our race who have the knowledge to build the institutions needed for reparations. So, I hope you will look to the right and join a group. I hope you will download a flyer from our Google Group and promote the Cause. I hope you will engage in the discussion and recruit your friends. The Community is waiting on YOU!

Come and Get Your Reparations!

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