Monday, April 21, 2008

Reparations Means Mastering New Technologies for Grassroots Organizing

Tonight, I took part in the first Reparative Talk show. It was quite an experience. In "The Revolution Will Not Be Televised," Joe Trippi talks about how modern (internet) technology is empowering people to activism. For instance, Reparations: The Blog allows us to engage in debate on reparations. The mainstream media will not address this issue. And, if they do - they tend to gloss over the idea and misconstrue the meaning. But, because of the internet - and the blog - we are able to shape the debate any way we see fit.

Reparations means mastering new technologies for grassroots organizing. Just think at what you are a part of here at Reparations: The are a member of a global community of people - united around the cause of political and economic empowerment of the Global Black Community. Many of you are members of our Facebook group, our Google group, or our LinkedIn Group. Through these groups, members of our community can interact with each other. You Are Not Alone! It's funny: many of us are isolated and think we are the only ones who feel as we do. However, because of the connectivity of the internet you can link with others who share your commitment and ideals. Amazing!

And, because reparations means mastering new technologies for grassroots organizing, we then add talkcasting. When you create a talkcast, you are actually recording a live podcast. Through Reparative Talk we do not need to worry about radio sponsors or sensors. We do not have to worry about Hot 97 or 92Q or Sirius Radio or any other radio venue not accepting us or cutting our programming. We have been empowered to "get the message to the people." And, we are empowering you to share the message with others. You can visit our TalkShoe Page and download this show. You can email it to others. You can share it on your Facebook page.

So, you see: Reparations means mastering new technologies for grassroots organizing. And, I have not mastered them yet...but we are making the effort. I must apologize to those who tried to listen to the show tonight. I experienced a few technical difficulties. But, we carried on with the show and I present it - humbly - for your critique. Join our Google Group and provide your feedback for how to improve the show. What needs to be added? What should be the format?

I enjoyed the opportunity to use this medium. And, I believe you will enjoy the possibilities. So, check it out...

Come and Get Your Reparations!

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