Saturday, April 26, 2008

Reparations Means HOLDING the Clintons (yes, Hillary and Bill) Accountable if the Nomination is Stolen from Senator Obama

Tonight on Anderson 360, there was a dialogue between Rep. Holmes-Norton (Obama Supporter) and Rep. Tubbs-Jones (Black Clinton Supporter). They were discussing comments by Representative Clyburn calling Bill Clinton's remarks "bizarre." I applaud Rep. Clyburn because he is speaking truth to power. For pundits to state that Obama cannot win the election without the white vote, while suggesting that Clinton could win without the Black vote is a gamble I am confident the Democrats do not want to take.

In the debate between Rep. Holmes-Norton and Rep. Tubbs-Jones, it was suggested that Black
people would not hold the Clintons accountable for their blatant racism and race bating.

But, reparations means HOLDING the Clintons (yes, Hillary and Bill) accountable if the nomination is stolen from Senator Obama. The Black Elite are banking on the fickle nature of the Black Electorate. It was even said during the course of debate that Black people will "forget" this and remain committed to the Democratic Party. But, how could you remain committed to a Party that is not committed to you? How can you forget the actions of a Party that clearly state your lack of value?

If we do not hold the Clintons accountable, then we deserve to be mistreated. If we do not hold accountable those Black leaders who support Clinton despite the overwhelming support of their constituency for Obama, we deserve to be abused.

Reparations means holding the Clintons (yes, Hillary and Bill) accountable if the nomination is stolen from Senator Obama. And as the last Democratic President, the Clintons are the Standard Bearers of the Democratic Party. So, ultimately reparations also means holding the Democratic Party accountable if the nomination is stolen from Senator Obama.

We must come to realize that neither Party has our interests at heart. Just at the Republican Party is deemed to be racist, the Democratic Power can now be seen in its "racist glory." The Clintons are so self-serving that they will bloody up Senator Obama so that he cannot win the general that she can run again in 2012. But, to attain reparations we must ensure that the irreparable breach Rep. Clyburn described actually comes to pass.

Reparations means holding the Clintons (yes, Hillary and Bill) accountable if the nomination is stolen from Senator Obama. And, the Clintons are the Democratic Party - so, reparations means holding the Democratic Party accountable if the nomination is stolen from Senator Obama. This breach is the opportunity we need to empower the Community and attain our reparations...because, by this breach we may begin to take a closer analysis of policy and platforms - rather than simple Party Affiliation.

What do you think? How should Party Affiliation impact the Black Community? Can the Black Community afford to be governed by strict Party Allegiance? Chime in on our Reparative Forum. Or, join our Facebook, LinkedIn, BlackPlanet or Plaxo groups. Together we can make advances for political and economic empowerment.

Come and Get Your Reparations!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The fact that were still talking about getting reparations and the majority won't even entertain the discussion tells you that Obama can't when a general election!!!