Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Will Obama's Choice of Elana Kagan Finally Wake Blacks up?

So, I saw this article through one of my listservs asking the question if President Obama's choice of Supreme Court Justice (Elana Kagan) would finally wake up the Liberals.  I don't even think that's an important question.

To me, the bigger question is will his choice finally awaken Blacks (liberal and conservative)? It's like Minister Farrakhan said in his TVOne interview: we need to realize that he will not - cannot - do anything for Black people...not just because of the political repercussions, but (in light of the Tea Parties, Rush Limbaugh and his cronies, and Dan Fanelli - check this crap out: the real threat of physical reprisals. 

Will Obama's choice of Elana Kagan finally wake Blacks up?

Do you all realize that if we don't wake up the Obama Administration will leave office (in 2012 or 2016) and gone will be our chances at advancement? What you think the argument will be once he's gone: "you didn't press the Black President to do this...why you bothering me?"

I feel like Lawrence Fishburn in School Daze: "Wake UUUUUUPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!"

We worried about what liberals will think...Liberals ain't made no beef with the fact that there will now be three women on the bench and only one Black - who's conservative BTW. Black liberals have been displeased with Justice Thomas ever since his consideration, and still get nothing.

Will Obama's choice of Elana Kagan finally wake Blacks up?

Don't get me wrong: it ain't Obama's fault. It's our own. We have 32 or so Members of the CBC. They made (and cannot make) any demands. Rather than putting forth NAMES of people and linking with Black organizations to place public pressure for a Black choice, we sit back and wait as if we're entitled. Our comfort has made us forget "Why We Can't Wait!"

We could have at least provided Obama with some cover, so he wouldn't be seen to be "favoring Blacks" as all the racist elements (again, Tea Parties, Limbaugh and Co., etc) waiting in the wings would say. There would at least be some political pressure and potential social unrest that would (at least seem to) force Obama to do something on behalf of his Black constituents.

Will Obama's choice of Elana Kagan finally wake Blacks up?

That's the question we should be asking. Neither Liberals nor Conservatives, nor Greens nor any political party has our best interest in mind.  And, if we continue to wait for the benevolence of historically malevolent groups, we deserve the injustice which follows.  

Reparations requires us to take hold of our own destiny.  Wake's too dangerous to be caught sleeping!  

Come and Get Your Reparations!