Reparations is easiest broken down: Repair Nations. Not speaking from a Christian perspective makes reparations seem selfish. Not speaking from a Nationalist perspective is paramount to wishing to be fixed by someone other than ourselves. Our perspectives are skewed & we're about to launch another "we shall overcome" type movement, marching & looking for additional handouts. Reparations is an issue of self-sufficiency, not finding some new crutch on which to lean.
After a long hiatus, last night we had the re-emergence of "Reparative Talk Radio!" The topic for discussion was: "Must We Wait Until They Die?" And, the issue at hand (born of Jesse Jackson's comments) was how to deal with the hoard of misleaders and irrelevant organizations of the Black Establishment that are preventing the progress of the people. The answer is that: reparations will free us from the burden of misleaders.