Thursday, July 03, 2008

Reparations Will Define our Patriotism

This is an important Independence Day Meditation. Happy Fourth of July...Part One of a two-part revolution for the promise of America.

We all must realize the attack on our freedom...the questioning of our allegiances. People need to understand the asinine nature of the debate. Earlier this week, Barack Obama gave a speech defining his patriotism. Defining his patriotism?!

Reparations will define our patriotism!

How can anyone with sense question the patriotism of Black Americans? At a bare level, why are we still here? After enduring the horrors of slavery, the nightmares of Jim Crow, and enduring racial disparities, why would we still be here - but for love of Country?

Why would anyone fight to be accepted by a Country and a Government - but for love? Who would engage in nonviolent struggle against their enemy? And, even if it had been your could one face an enemy with nonviolence - but for love? Would that not truly embrace the command of Christ?

Reparations will define our patriotism! Once you and I seize opportunities to engage in dialogue about the struggles of our people, we will demonstrate our patriotism. The very experience of being Black in America is the definition of our patriotism.

There were African people involved at every stage in the development of this Country. Africans fought in the American Revolution. Africans (mulatto Alexander Hamilton) signed the US Constitution and made great contributions to the organizational structure of this Nation. And while it may be difficult for most of us to remember our ties to these early events, the connection is there.

While we may not have come in to Ellis Island, we were imported from Africa, landing at port after port along the American Seaboard. And, we are the only immigrant class who did not leave in search of a better life. Yet, we are still here...we must love our Country!

Our patriotism was earned in the horror of the slave, through the bludgeoning of the average Black man trying to support his family. Our patriotism is soiled in the blood of those Black Martyrs who gave their lives that the Constitution might belong to us, their heirs. Our patriotism was won, simply by surviving against a government and private sector system trying its best to exploit and/or suppress us. Our patriotism was given to us by those ancestors who had nothing more to give than their struggle to become fully American. Our patriotism embraces Juneteenth as Part Two of America's journey to embrace and embody the ideals of the Declaration of Independence, and the US Constitution. Our patriotism it unquestionable, and is above reproach.

Reparations will define our patriotism as we embrace our particular American Experience. We will never satisfy White people based on their idea of patriotism. But, we have a different American Experience. And, all of us our entitled to set our own standards.

Come and Get Your Reparations!

1 comment:

Derek Banyard, MD, MBA, MS said...

Speaking of patriotism, can anyone question Obama's "patriotism" when George Bush called the late Jesse Helms a "great patriot?"