Monday, June 30, 2008

Reparations Will Defeat Racism in the Justice System

Here is an obscure story that you probably will not hear about.

In late 2007, Joe Horn of Pasadena, Texas shot and killed two Afro-Colombian men in a fit of vigilante justice. There's even a blog devoted to him: check it out. Not surprisingly, but tragically, the Grand Jury today chose not to indict the killer. Harris County District Attorney Kenneth Magidson said:

I understand the concerns of some in the community regarding Mr. Horn's conduct. The use of deadly force is carefully limited in Texas law to certain circumstances ... In this case, however, the grand jury concluded that Mr. Horn use of deadly force did not rise to a criminal offense.
Reparations will defeat racism in the justice system. What is the level of deadly force that rises to a criminal offense? And, if Mr. Horn's act did not rise to a criminal offense, what kind of killing is criminal? How can it be self-defense if he shot them in the back? "F" the racial motivations, we are dealing with simple logic.

Here is a man who ignores the instructions of the 911 operator to stay in the house, and goes outside seeking a confrontation. Listen to the call:

Reparations will defeat racism in the justice system. This was premeditated murder. He was not being robbed, so it cannot be self-defense. He was not protecting his own property. And, he was repeatedly warned to not go outside.

When we get our reparations, no one will be able to use nuances of the law to kill Black people. When we get our reparations, we will be able to live without fear of the Justice System. You keep watching like this is a time it could be you on the wrong end of a White Man's gun (civilian or police).

Come and get your reparations!

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