Friday, February 08, 2008

Reparations Means We Must Rise Above

We as a people have a habit of blaming "the man" and "the system" for our plight. And, yes there is a history of injustice and a culture of oppression that we must combat. No one can deny that the Black American experience has been very difficult; it will become more difficult if we continue to shoot ourselves in the foot.

I read a news article today about Bryant Purvis. He is one of the defendants in the Jena Six debacle. The Jena Six case is a revealing one of the injustice and racism that still permeates our society. Over 20,000 people descended upon Jena Louisiana to protest this injustice - only to have more racist acts exhibited. Our people coalesced on the issue and threw our support behind the boys in this cast. Yet, did we prepare those boys for the responsibility they now bear?

Try as they might, they cannot return to life before Jena Six. God has placed it on them that they will forever be marked as "one of the Jena Six." They have become examples: for good or for bad on the issue of racism and the divisions in America, and of the need for Reparations. Did we speak with those boys to let them know they can never escape that marker? Their only choice is to wear that badge with honor or bring it to shame.

Reparations means we must rise above our situations and, indeed, above ourselves. We must know that after certain instances we will be regarded with greater scrutiny. It may be difficult, but who are we to resent the Cross given for us to bear? May we bear our Cross - heavy though it may be - with joy and gladness...boldly giving ourselves to something greater than ourselves!

Come and Get Your Reparations!


Anonymous said...

Great analysis! Keep them coming...

Suite B said...

great post, great blog, and I will be back for more.

The only thing I don't like is that our family is so large that we have to find each other in the blog world!