Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Reparations Means Defending Our Hopes

Wow! Last nights results were tremendous! No one thought Barack Obama would be able to compete. Clinton and the pundits felt the race would be over after Super Tuesday. But it's not, and now many feel as though this race will come to a photo finish at the Democratic National Convention in Denver.

This election is all about the delegates. Because of this, many are saying the Hilary Clinton will fight to have the delegates of Florida and Michigan count. Regardless of how we feel about not counting those votes, it was the rules of the game by which everyone played. If Hilary didn't agree with it, she should have protested adamantly before things commenced. Those delegates were stripped a long time was not a recent thing.

We have seen far too often that the "Establishment" does not want change. We know that "they" really don't want to see a Black president. We must see it as possible for the DNC to join forces with Clinton in order to beat down the will of the people. We live in an oligarchical society that prefers the status quo.

I say this not to be defeated, but that we might stand firm. Reparations demands that we join forces and defend our hopes. We must not be reactive...if there's anything we've learned from the Bush Presidency is that this is the era of preemption. So, here's an appeal for all who believe in hope: Black, White, Brown, Yellow, Red and whatever else. Preempt this! Petition Congress now! Write op-eds and letters to the editors, now! Sit-in at the DNC now! We cannot wait, and we must not be denied! Do not let them steal our hope! We will stand firm! We will prevail! We will have change - NOW!

Come - Go - and Get Your Reparations!

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