Monday, February 25, 2008

Reparations Means Deflecting Subtle Racism


You would think they would learn from the experience of South Carolina. But, I guess not...the Clinton Campaign is at it again. There can be no excuse; there can be no saying that we are over-critical; there can be no cries of misinterpretation.

If Bill Clinton is the "friend of the Black Community" and "First Black President" that people claim him to be, he must understand. We witnessed Bill Clinton's antics in the South Carolina Democratic Primary. And, now it seems we must further realize how pervasive the the racist undertones of this election are.

Today, Hilary Clinton said, "shame on you, Barack Obama." She told him he needs to meet her so she can talk to him about his "behavior." Are you SERIOUS?!?! Is this 2008 or 1908? Maybe have a debate about his tactics...ok - patience. But, about his behavior? As they would say in Britain, "surely you jest!"

As one political strategist said, "this is nothing more than a savvy way of calling him 'boy.'" Reparations means that in the 21st Century we will no longer accept the condescending tone of seemingly benevolent people - White, Black or Brown (or any other shade for that matter). Reparations means that we contact the campaign and let them know - tactfully - that we do not appreciate her tone...that we expect an apology.

I'm not even saying you have to support Obama. Even those of us who may not support him - of all races and all political persuasions - can see the negative tones of such comments. And, all of us should be disturbed by such comments...they have no place in post-Jim Crow America. So find the Clinton Campaign location nearest to you, and give them a call.

Come and Get Your Reparations!

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