Thursday, February 28, 2008

Reparations Means Confronting Racism Properly

Louisiana strikes again. Could it be the most unjust State in the Union? We have the Jena 6, the Angola 3 and now there surface rampant reports of racial profiling and discrimination in Bunkie, Louisiana. Now, I know reports are just that - reports. Yet, it seems to me that the truth could be revealed with a little attention.

Why is it that Black people have to endure such "justice?" When there are numerous complaints about a single police officer we must at least take a serious look at the situation. Here's a quote from a local Bunkie attorney: “When you got one defendant saying the cops are planting evidence and faking drug cases, you brush it off. But when every guy you represent has the same story, you start to see a pattern. All these little towns have bad cops; but this Jeansonne fellow is totally out of control.”

As it was said, "these little towns have bad cops." And, we must understand that these little towns still act as little kingdoms where nothing moves against the will of the local aristocracy. And, the rule of those aristocrats is "status quo."

Reparations demands that we use technology to challenge the status quo. Business as usual can only occur in these towns because of isolation. These quasi-aristocrats can act with impunity because they face no challenges, for the local residents fear their wrath. Yet, the internet removes isolation.

All we want is justice. And, that begins with a transparent investigation. In issues like this - especially in Louisiana - we cannot depend on the local and state authorities to do anything. We must take this to a higher level.

Congressman Rodney Alexander represents Louisiana's Fifth District and the town of Bunkie, Louisiana. Contact his office and ask his opinion on the issue...ask for a statement from his office. Let him know that we expect him to look into this issue and see it through to resolution.

Come and Get Your Reparations!

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