Sunday, October 19, 2008

Proof that Reparations is STILL Needed...

At times, you'll hear people arguing against reparations.  They'll say: Reparations aren't needed...this stuff happened so long ago.  Why can't you people just get over it?

Well, here's a retort: "why can't you people just get over it?!"  It seems as if there's still need for repair on both sides of the color line.  Did you see this:

Obama Effigy Hung From Noose

It seems to me that reparations is still needed.  Minds still need to be changed.  Christianity is supposed to be a religion of love.  Yet, still our beloved faith is perverted by those who would use it as a bludgeon to oppress others.  Christ calls us to be reconciled, one to another in love.  Yet, this gentleman spews his hate.  As Dennis Brown said: "Love and Hate Can Never be Friends"

Dennis Brown 'Here I Come'

Here folks, is your proof that reparations is still needed.  All we need is to look at the anger and hatred that is being uncovered by the prospect of a "Black President."  Just like an unhealed wound, Obama's candidacy is the curious child picking at a scab...the wound now throbs with pain.

If we are to truly see CHANGE in America, we must begin "Taking Steps Towards Reparations."  If we do, we will reap beautiful fruits.  Let's get to work - for the sake of our Country.

Come and Get Your Reparations!

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