Thursday, July 10, 2008

Reparations Will Bring Blacks Better Leadership

I do not know if you have seen this. But, watch it first - then we will talk...

Reparations will bring Blacks better leadership. We have talked on a couple occasions about crabs in the barrel. And, it affects us at every level. A few months ago, I spoke with a prominent Black Congressman and Obama supporter who described this problem. And, it resulted in this posting. This Congressman told me that the reason other prominent Blacks are not supporting Barack is that they are Crabs in the Barrel. He said they feel that Barack has not paid his dues - that they have been around longer than him and he needs to wait.

This is indicative of the larger problem that is stalling our community. Black Leadership that refuses to pass the torch to the younger generation. These Civil Rights Stalwarts believe that because we have not walked with Dr. King, participated in Bloody Sunday, had to endure segregation or faced any other of those ills that we are not entitled to take the reins of the Movement. They want us to sit by and watch them lead us into greater and greater disparities.

But, reparations will bring Blacks better leadership. Our current leaders place the emphasis at the wrong point of the problem. These are the same leaders who guided us into greater racial disparities than faced at any time since slavery. These are the same leaders who - as the masses became poorer - enriched themselves from the struggle.

So, now - as they told Bill Cosby - they tell Barack Obama that he is "talking down to Black people." These are the same misleaders who lull us to sleep while society runs amok, utterly destroying our community. They are the ones who have us all confused.

Reparations will bring Blacks better leadership, leadership that will stop us from waiting for the Government to do something for us, and inspire us to do for self! Self-sufficiency is what we need, not more Government programs and greater Government dependence. We need freedom!

Why wait for the Government to help us? Do we really trust them to be benevolent? Do we really believe that they will act out of the goodness of their hearts to do what needs to be done in order to better the Black Community?

So, why must we be concerned about what the Government is or is not doing to improve racial disparities? What are we doing to overcome racial disparities? Or, are you saying that we do not have the ability to solve our own problems?

It is futile to wait for a negligent government to start caring. It is pointless for us to hope that a system built to work against us will magically - without our effort - begin to truly embrace and support us. It is ludicrous to expect that more money or government programs will erase the damage that has been done to the Black Community.

Current Black Leaders are little more than substitute teachers...stand-ins to carry us from the era of Dr. King and Malcolm X to whomever will step in to fill the void. They have been complaining about the same problems for about 40 years. Ever since King and Malcolm were assassinated, nothing has been done...the same problems persist.

It is time to snatch the torch from these stalwarts and set some of them out to pasture. Those who leave willingly would be more than welcome to serve as advisers because we cannot forget our past, and their lessons are invaluable. But, if we do not act now the jealousy and complacency of these misleaders will bring us to destruction. The people are counting on you...

Come and Get Your Reparations!


Dee Wells said...

Can you say HATER?

Jesse Jackson is feeling obsolete and thus he feels the need to go after Obama.

Talk about the crabs in the barrel mentality.

Jesse need to hold his corner and sit his ass down!!

Anonymous said...

I think what Jesse Jackson said off-mic is an example of what was in his heart all along regarding Sen. Obama's run for POTUS. After all, Jackson (as a preacher) should know that from out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.