Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Reparations Means Overthrowing the Old Guard

There...I said it. And before me, Darryl Fears of the Washington Post said it.

Everywhere, the discussion is the same. You have said it. I have said it. "They refuse to pass the torch." So, tonight we will discuss the Overthrow of the Old Guard and how we snatch power from those who are hoarding it. Join us at 9pm EST. You can take part online or by calling: 724.444.7444 and entering Call ID: 17254.

The stalwarts of the Movement have been holding onto power...serving their own interests and preventing progress. In his book, The True Believer, Eric Hoffer discusses the stages of leadership. He asserts that a Movement begins with the "Men of Words," moves to the "Fanatics," and concludes with the "Practical Men of Action."

The "Men of Words" would be those who subtly "undermines established institutions, discredits those in power, weakens prevailing beliefs and loyalties, and sets the stage for the rise of a mass movement." Every mass movement has been pioneered by poets, writers, and scholars (philosophers, historians and etc.). From the Black American - Civil Rights Movement - perspective, the era of the "Men of Words" is encapsulated in the Harlem Renaissance.

The rise of "Fanatics" came after this period. And, fanatics are those whose drive is to change the order of things. They seek to turn the status quo on its head. Culminating in the personages of Dr. King, Malcolm X, Kwame Ture, Huey Newton and others, these fanatics took the challenges of the "Men of Words" to the streets and shook the halls of power.

Mr. Hoffer states, "A movement is pioneered by men of words, materialized by fanatics and consolidated by men of action." He says that, "When the same person or persons...leads a movement from its inception to maturity, it usually ends in disaster." And, disaster is the current state of the Civil Rights Movement.

This is why reparations means overthrowing the Old Guard. Most of our Black Leadership has held positions of leadership for far too long. They have not - and are not - empowering anyone to take their place. And, the result is disaster for the Black Community. The result is that the gains made have ceded to rising disparities across the board.

Where are our Practical Men of Action? Mr. Hoffer states: "the man of action saves the movement from the suicidal dissensions...of the fanatics." Yet, the Movement has been marred by the dissensions of Men of Words jockeying for mainstream stature and position, at the expense of the people. He says, "With the appearance of the man of action the explosive vigor of the movement is embalmed and sealed in sanctified institutions." Yet, the Civil Rights Movement has established no institutions to unify our actions. And, this is why we are not ready for monetary reparations...and why monetary reparations would be a horrible idea. With no institutions, where would the money go? And, if the money came who would control it? So, again, where are our Practical Men of Action?

Reparations means overthrowing the Old Guard. Only by doing away with the Old Guard will we see the institutions we need to promote self-reliance in the Black Community. Without our own institutions, we will forever be enslaved to Government institutions. Every other community has their own institutions. Asians share China Town. Jews have hospitals and schools and etc. They have networks of organizations that truly defend them, globally. We have HBCUs struggling to exist and drawing most of their support from the Government. We have an African Union that is powerless to stop the genocide in Darfur without external help. We have Black politicians who are more concerned for the self-interest and perpetuating their careers than standing for the interests of the Global Black Community.

In tonight's Reparative Talk, we will discuss the Overthrow of the Old Guard. Join us at 9pm EST. You can take part online or by calling: 724.444.7444 and entering Call ID: 17254.

It begins with us. As "Classic Mike" would say, we must start with the "Man in the Mirror." So, reparations means overthrowing the Old Guard because we will not see change as long as they are standing in the way. We must work to build the institutions that will support the independence of our people.

Come and Get Your Reparations!

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