Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Reparations Means Applying Pressure to Mayor Michael A. Nutter of Philadelphia

How so?

Well, yesterday we heard former Congresswoman and Vice Presidential Nominee Geraldine Ferraro's racist remarks saying that the reason for Senator Barack Obama's success is that he is a black male.

Wow! I wish someone had alerted me that Black male privilege was now in effect!

I mean, Senator Obama's campaign is running circles around Senator Clinton's. So, is Ms. Ferraro saying that Senator Obama's campaign runs more effectively because he's Black? Maybe she's saying that his campaign spent less money because he's Black?

It's simply ridiculous. And, to hear Pat Buchanan say that Geraldine Ferraro is correct - that he is having success because he's Black is unconscionable. Ms. Ferraro was upset because people called her remarks racist. She retorted that those who disagree with her are attacking her because they are sexist. What?!

For some reason, Black men (in specific) and Black people (in general) just can't cross the threshold. I mean, whenever Black people make some great achievement it's not attributed to their brilliance, their tenacity, their abilities or any character qualities. The mainstream always tries to explain us away by some novelty: "oh, he's Black," or "oh, White people feel guilty."

Who in their right mind can think Geraldine Ferraro's comments are anything but racist? And, all the Clinton Campaign could say was that the comments were "regrettable." Hillary Clinton did not repudiate the remarks. She didn't denounce them. She didn't reject and denounce them. Senator Clinton did not sever her ties with Geraldine Ferraro. All I can say is silence implies complicity.

Reparations means that we cannot stand for disrespect. The Clintons have enjoyed unwarranted support from the Black Community. But, throughout this campaign Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton - indeed the Clinton Machine - have shown their true colors. With comments like we've heard yesterday, it begs the question: how many times have they - behind closed doors - called him "nigger?"

And, who would believe if they say they haven't?

But, what does this have to do with Mayor Michael Nutter of Philadelphia? Well, Mayor Michael Nutter - a Black man - is a supporter of Senator Clinton's in the highly-contested state of Pennsylvania.

Question: As a human being of conscience, how do you stand by with this happening?

Bigger Question: As a Black Man, how can Michael Nutter continue to support her when she is clearly insensitive to and disrespectful towards the people that look like him?

In the spirit of fairness, I called the Mayor's office to see if they had issued a statement. They stalled. They requested to know if I was a writer (I directed them to this blog). And, I told them that we who care about defending and advancing the Black Community would be calling him to voice our discontent with him.

Reparations demands that we take stands that are bigger than whatever personal benefits to be received. I don't care what the Clintons promised Mayor Nutter in exchange for his support. The Mayor's Grandmother, his kith and kin, would be disappointed if he does not take the opportunity to make a loud stand. No slight at his family - only honoring them. We can take it for granted that 9 out of 10 Black people 60 and over were involved in the struggle for our rights.

Reparations demands that we continue that struggle. So to those who care about the legacy of our ancestors, our grandparents and parents, can you give five minutes to our people? Call Mayor Michael at (215) 686-2181, and say: "I'm calling to let Mayor Nutter know that I am disappointed in him for his support of Geraldine Ferraro's remarks about Barack Obama. I hope he would stand with the Black Community and make the statement that we will not be disrespected. Thank you."

Now, Go and Get Your Reparations!

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