Friday, August 24, 2007

Reparations Means Standing for the Jena 6

I really don't think there's much more I need to say. Reparations means standing for the Jena 6. Just as the Jews say "never again," in response to their peoples oppression and not allowing their people to be oppressed again, so should we say NEVER AGAIN will Black people be subjected to Jim Crow - state sponsored - terrorism.

In this "War on Terror," can we count on President Bush to bring to justice the terrorists in Jena who terrorized the community? Can we count on him to hold accountable those who reeked havoc through nooses, shot gun threats and other antagonisms? We need to direct our protests to the Commander in Chief. We cannot allow him to use the excuse that this is a state issue, and that the state should handle it. He invaded Iraq...he didn't stand back and let Iraq handle their own issue. This is the Country in which he has a responsibility to ensure that the principles of democracy are upheld.

Reparations demands that we all do something to ensure the exoneration of the Jena 6. Be vigilant! Press forward! Now is the time to "Come and Get your Reparations!"

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