Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Reparations means FINALLY listening to Malcolm X

"The Black man in North America was sickest of all politically. He let the White man divide him into...a Black 'Democrat,' a Black 'Republican,'...when a ten-million Black vote bloc could be the deciding balance of power in American politics..." This is what Brother Malcolm told us in his autobiography, and what he said could not have been more timely.

I'm watching the news recently and cannot help but wonder, "where is the place for the Black man in American society?" If society is politics - which it is - then more specifically, "where is the Black man's place within the American political system?"

We - Black people - have this sickening allegiance to the Democratic Party. It does not matter what they say, whether they keep their promises, or whether they truly do anything to support our community. If it is Democratic it is right - or so we think. On the flip-side, some of us who run against the grain would like to be Republican...thinking that trying a different Party will bring us different results. Oh, how futile such hope is!

Conventional wisdom says that if all (or the vast majority) of us are Democrats, both Parties will ignore our issues. The Democrats ignore us because they see us as a guaranteed vote to which there is no need to cater. The Republicans ignore us because they know we will vote for the Democrats.

The Black community shouted for joy when the Democrats won majorities in the House and Senate after the mid-term elections. Many thought that we would now receive the benefits due to us...those benefits that the Republicans had denied us. We felt that with so many Black Democratic Congresspeople, we would be in a great position as a people and that we would benefit greatly from the gains of the Democratic Party. Yet, we should now see this hope to be vain.

Florida Rep. Alcee Hastings was the next Democrat in line on the House Intelligence Committee, and should have taken Chairmanship according to all House precedent - which is supposed to be an honored thing to Congress. Yet, he was passed over for this post (who could trust a Negro with the White man's National Security information - after all Chevrolet has already shown in their recent ad campaign that this is their Country). They will say he was passed over because he was impeached as a Federal Judge in Florida. However, he was acquitted of any wrong doing prior to impeachment. Moreover, he was recently elected to his seventh (7th) term in the US House since the impeachment. His District obviously trusts him. Everyone says he has served the House admirable (including Ms. Pelosi). Yet, he was passed over. Is there any other reason than because he is Black? Things that make you go hmmm..... Maybe Ms. Pelosi will still appoint a Black person to the Chairmanship - but maybe that is simply wishful thinking.

But wait! There's slaps in the face to go around. Those of us who felt we could jump to the other side of the fence and do better - balancing things out so as to receive a "Fair Deal" for our people should now see that that door has been slammed in our face. Recently, the Republican National Committee decided who would become the Party's Chairman to replace Ken Mehlman.

Maryland Lt. Governor and Republican Senate Candidate Michael Steele - a brother endorsed by Cathy Hughes and Russell Simmons (among others) - was in the running for the post. Having been the State Chair for Maryland, we know he has the requisite experience. Moreover, no one can deny that he ran an impeccable campaign. Many would say that he was the only bright spot for the Republican Party this election cycle. Yet, he too was passed over in favor of Senator Mel Martinez of Florida - a Cuban American, which signals that instead of fixing the domestic problems that led to the Party's demise, they will be even more active in meddling in Cuba's domestic affairs. Sen. Martinez is also a proponent of the so-called "comprehensive" immigration reform. Thus, his appointment also signifies the Party's position that fighting with the Democrats over the Hispanic vote is of greater interest than seeking the Black vote.

I ask again, "where is the place for the Black man in American politics?"

It is a shame to see how a people so gifted at adapting to an environment to ensure their survival have failed to realize that this system under which we live is beat by mastering this political system. Every grouping of people has affected change on their own behalf through a group-first political platform. Every grouping of people has been able to shape the way politics, government and the law affects themselves through realizing the strength they posses by uniting at the very foundation of their grouping's existence.

Corn farmers, dairy farmers, peanut farmers, etc. have all united to serve the farmer's - every farmer's - political agenda. Doctors and educators have both made numerous political gains because of their commitment to better policy in both health care and education respectively, which works to benefit all physicians - surgeons, dentists, pediatricians, and etc. - and all educators - teachers, principals, administrators, and etc. The National Rifle Association has been able to dictate the way policy affects gun control because they decided to unite on the basic foundation of gun ownership.

The nation's labor force has united to form one of the most powerful Political Action Committees. No policy is passed into law without the Labor Lobby's opinion. And, no policy will be passed into law if the Labor Lobby firmly objects.

Even this nation's military veterans have been able to unite, in spite of the differences and rivalries existent between divisions of the armed forces in order to shape government, politics and the law to their advantage.

Each one of these groups have used the idea of a group-first political platform so well that the government has specific agencies to address their respective needs: Department of Agriculture, Department of Health, Department of Education, Department of Justice, Department of Labor, and the Veteran's Affairs Administration. Veterans have so much political power that they have their own thrift stores, credit unions, hospitals, and etc. Through group-first politics, others have accomplished these things.

Now if the African here in North America were to realize the strength in a group (race)-first political platform, we too could make these kinds of gains for ourselves within America. Through a race-first political platform, we can and will affect change for the betterment of our people and ourselves.

Whether you be light-skinned or dark, male or female, Democrat, Republican, Green or in between; whether you are rich or poor, educated or not, integrationist, segregationist, separatist or nationalist, if we come together at the root of our existence, our African ancestry, and address politics from a race-first perspective, we will affect change that will benefit not only the African in America but also the entire African Diaspora.

You see, every nation of people in this country has either achieved or is on its way to achieving the so-called "American Dream" by recognizing the importance of nationalism, and specifically political nationalism. Every nation of people in this country has not only bettered themselves, but also those of their nation in other parts of the world through this nationalism. We are now witnessing the benefits such nationalism is having for the Hispanic community: Special Sessions of Congress, appointments of Party Bosses, extensive media exposure and etc.

Why can they and others achieve such gains and we still wallow like swine in the mud? Simple: we have failed to develop a race-first, nationalist political platform. We have placed our faith in Democrats and Republicans, rather than in God and ourselves. Our allegiance should belong to Him alone. When it does, we will have better leverage with which to guard the sheep from the wolves.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Reparations for America

By my father: Krim Menelik Ballentine

Reparations are not due ex-slaves or persons of color who were enslaved or the ancestors or such. And, Indians and Irish cannot be compared in any academic research with the degradation afforded the people of color in our America and now permeates the world. The newly created “largest minority”, so called Hispanics, is another media/political hype untrue. Hispanics are made minority by ancestry and language and African Americans are made minority because of skin color black. Do you now see the apples and orange comparison?

Descendants of slaves in America are entitled to reparations only because they were natural born citizens of these United States after 1776, in accordance with the Constitution, and were denied by white mouths, Jim Crow laws and other non-constitutional means their fundamental birthright acknowledged by the Constitution of the United States.

People of color or descendants of Africans were not made slaves in the Constitution of the United States where “We the people…” and “free men” were generic terms without gender or skin color preferential. Also, in the Constitution, white skins were not made superior or preferential. Reparations are due to persons of color because of the denial in their fundamental birthright to be the natural born or naturalized citizen of this great country of ours, the United States.

Reparations are due those persons as no other persons in the United States were denied their fundamental birthright supported by the system of governance in the United States. No other persons in the United States were denied by un-constitutional laws and the mouths of citizens who are white skinned from participating in government or living in the United States. No other persons were denied human existence in the history, the glory of wars and peace, the water fountain and transportation restrictions and walking the streets moving from the sidewalks for those of white skin and denied the ability to represent citizens in this country. Natural born people of color who met the standards and qualifications to seek the Office of the President of the United States, natural born, 35 years of age and fourteen years a resident in the United States, were denied their fundamental natural born birthright all by word of and out of white mouths, no constitutional law support.

What reparations might sooth the reputations of persons of color in our United States? Start by providing an avenue for people of color to publish and be paid to publish books so that their non-marketable stuff can catch up to the non-marketable books published and on the shelves of our libraries. Give free scholarships at all colleges for people of color who become the softer side of living: sociologist, psychologist, anthropologist, historians, artist and any person wanting a Liberal Arts degree. Finance books and other public media to redo movies, news and history to include people of color as legitimate contributors of the history of the United States.

Go and charge each state government a fee for having their government representatives to stand in the doors of schools, restaurants who denied access and sheriffs and law enforcement persons to include prosecutors who failed to prosecute laws using constitutional guidelines; and, finally, overrule Affirmative Action, Separate but equal and all the doctrines now accepted as law wherein persons of color are given certain rights above and because of their skin color as opposed to demanding enforcement of laws of all citizens, natural born and naturalized in this country.

Stop bussing our children destroying our community concept of America and burying persons into ghettos homemade. Bus in those things government owns: teachers, per capita cost per pupil, school finances to be equalized and school supplies to be distributed equally to citizens of these United States.

Last, instead of so-called “urban renewal” commence a program where one can earn this country by taking the old ghettos and destroying them and the renewal concept and give free to any natural born or naturalized citizen an amount of land to build a home on and give them five years to commence or complete their home or forfeit the land back into a landbank of sorts. Reintroduce the Homestead Act of 1867 which denied participation of natural born and or naturalized citizens skin color black. Look through the military and fix the mistakes doled out to soldiers of color in denials of awards and promotions and give them retroactively even the ones like me who had applied to be a Moslem Chaplain.

There is a way to REPAIR we must just stop thinking that it is reparations for slaves or ex-slaves or people of color and come to the realization that they are reparations for citizens of these United States who were denied opportunities in this country because of skin color and by-white-mouth laws. Fundamental endowed rights were denied human beings in a country where it is written must not happen. Enforce the Constitution of the United States not against or for people but for the United States. Now you know my rest of the story.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Again, we miss our Reparations....

Tonight I'm watching Monday Night football. (You know it's nice to see that the two best teams in the league - the Colts and the Bears - both have Black head coaches.) In the follow-up commentary on the game, the commentators began critiquing was a terrible loss. There is no excusing Arizona giving up a 20+ point lead.

But, what does football and this loss have to do with Reparations? The commentators began criticizing the Cardinals, and singled out Denny Green. Now, I am a firm believer that coaching bears much responsibility for a loss of this type. However, I want to look at the way the critique was played. Chris Berman started by saying, (paraphrase) we see the progress made by Luvie Smith, and Tony Dungy, and Marvin Lewis, and then we think about Denny Green...

Well true, Coaches Smith, Dungy and Lewis all have great programs and winning teams. They all took over teams that were struggling, and turned them around. But, of the 32 teams in the NFL are those coached by the aforementioned the only ones that were struggling? Why is it that only those teams with Black coaches were singled out?

A coach should be compared to his peers. He should be held to certain standards. But, why are we condemned to have White coaches with lackluster performances loom around the league (Rod Marinelli, Dick Jauron, Mike Nolan, Nick Saban). The way Chris Berman stated things, it was as though he made the judgment that bringing in some Black coaches has worked out, but that Black coaches still had a way to go.

The worst part was that Michael Irving and Tom Jackson heard this and didn't take the opportunity to point out the countless White Coaches who have had worse tenures with their teams. I'm not implying that Chris Berman even meant to slight Denny Green, however those comments don't help to alleviate the stereotypes of those who still suffer from acute cases of racism.

Again, racism call us to create teachable moments, where we uncover the vestiges of institutional racism that still plague our society - infecting the soul of our Country. Reparations is everywhere. It's not an issue of money. It's an issue of repairing the lives of a people - lives that were systematically broken. Reparations is about restoring dignity to a people. It's not about wearing a badge of victim. But, it is about using our various platforms as a chance to be vocal for those who have no voice in hopes of relieving some of their hardships. May God help us heal our wounds through steady doses of the truth.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Reparations & Creating Teachable Moments...

I sat this evening, watching Ed Bradley (of 60 Minutes on CBS) do a story on the "Duke Lacrosse Rape" case. This interview was very interesting. Not so much for what was said, but for the appearance it gave. The interview appeared as though 60 Minutes was hired by the Defense Attorneys. Ed Bradley (their Negro commentator) was used to interview those involved, and a Negro professor was also used as an "expert" of sorts - I assume to quell the race issue.

All in all, it was a smart tactic by whomever initiated the interview. However as a descendant of those subjected to American slavery and Jim Crow, another factor made this interview more interesting. What matters in my analysis is not the innocence or guilt of the parties involved, nor the truth or falsehood of the statements made. I have no way of judging guilt or innocence, truth or lies, and I will not attempt so to do. However, I will look at Mr. Bradley's role as a journalist and the squandered opportunity for us to have a bit of Reparations.

In the interview, you hear the defendants profess their innocence. You hear they lament how their whole lives are changed instantly by one accusation. You hear them speak of the tribulation this situation has caused in their lives, and the lives of their family.

I found myself understanding such a plight. And if these claims prove to be false, then indeed a great injustice has occurred and much damage done to the reputation of these young men. Yet, in hearing their story I found myself asking, how many of our African brothers and sisters (both deceased and living) have been faced with such a plight? I myself can remember police bulletins looking for a Black male between 5'8" and 6' tall weighing 185 lbs, wearing dark clothing. How many of us have been wrongfully accused and convicted - picked from a lineup simply because of our skin color?

They picture the Prosecutor as someone manipulating a racial situation for his own political gain. How many times have our people been victimized by the system in order to appease the sentiments of the majority?

Now I'm not asking or hoping that anyone be victimized. Victimizing someone cannot serve as Reparations for the victimization faced by our people. Yet, creating a teachable moment would have gone far in repairing the damage done.

Reparations calls for us to create teachable moments. We ought to use every opportunity to open the eyes of others that they might better understand the hardships faced by our people. Ed Bradley could have ended the interview by giving the nation some perspective. The mainstream "White American" society can empathize with these young men. It is easy to see them as victims.

Yet, when the tables are turned and young Black men are sitting in the same seat as these White men are, society at large quickly dismisses any possibility of wrongful accusation. This case is a perfect opportunity for America to be educated on racism. This is a perfect opportunity for our Country to gain further understanding of our various struggles.

We are in this Country together. For us to coexist, we must understand each other. Part of gaining our Reparations involves creating teachable moments, where we educate the society-at-large of the various nuances of being Black in America.

Our journalists have to use the platforms given to them for the benefit of us all. God gives us nothing for our own gain. But, we are given blessings that we ourselves might bless others. So let us strive to not miss opportunities to promote healing.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Reparations and the Solution to the Crisis in Darfur

We have been watching for way too long, the demise of our brothers and sisters in Sudan's Darfur region. We must do something to take charge of the situation before it worsens.

I will say I agree with the Sudanese Government in principle on this point: this situation should be resolved by African people. Thus far, it has been expected that we - Africans - would fail to meet the challange. Some would say that those benefitting from the crisis in Darfur are hoping for this failure.

So, how do we make this hope false? How do we, as African people, rise to the challange? And, what - pray tell - does Reparations have to do with the crisis in Darfur?

Again, to the nationalist Reparations is easiest explained to mean: "repair nations." No one can deny that Sudan needs repair. But, to the nationalist, for this repair to come from forces external to ourselves are more a detriment to our well being than a benefit.

We have two main obstacles to overcome in this situation: 1) the need for highly trained forces to keep the peace, and 2) funding to support and sustain the mission to Darfur, properly equipping the forces and funding the necessary initiatives. So, how can Reparations provide the solution?

God, in His Providence has blessed us with the means by which to overcome these obstacles. Through the evil of slavery and colonialism we now have Africans with high levels of military training. We also have a great deal of affluent Africans who have profitted in the land of their enslavers and colonizers.

So, why do we need a UN mission? I, as the Sudanese Government, believe that no UN force should touch African soil. Yet I, as most of the world, believe we must do something quickly to stop the violence. Reparations says that we as African people can stop the violence in Darfur without the use of European forces.

What's to stop us from devising a program that would allow ROTC Graduates and discharged Africans from Western forces, to enlist in the African Union force? What's to stop us from asking former Secretary of State, and former Chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Colin Powell from commanding such a force under the banner of the African Union? What would stop us from forming a fund into which Africans in the West could donate money for the support of the African Union?

We (African people) can solve this situation in a way that would be beneficial to all concerned. The Government of Sudan does not wish to see any non-African forces on their soil. The African Union needs a highly trained military/peacekeeping force. Both sides need funding to support their mission and development in the region. All we need now is for the Sudanese Government and the African Union to agree to such a solution. Such a solution would prevent the UN from executing its thoughts of invading Sudan. Such a solution would provide African people worldwide with a sense of hope that we are capable of solving our own problems. As African people, this should be our push and our battle cry. "Up you mighty race, you can accomplish what you will!"

Friday, July 07, 2006

Reclaim Manhood for Reparations...

I don't really know how much more I can take. The level of frustration is just about maxed out. Everyone is analyzing the black male. (See: This is a very interesting article. At least the mainstream media is speaking about the issue. Although if you look closely you'll see - there's no solution. But, why would there be a solution? Why would the mess media want to highlight that solution? Doesn't the power structure continue to benefit from having subservient black males, who can still be worked from sun up to sun down, for minimal wages, all while destroying Negro families?

But, if you think I'm going to throw stones at the establishment, you must read the previous post on this blog: Reparations is not throwing stones. So, let's talk about the solution...

This topic has come up many times of late: the tremendous learning curve to be a TRUE man. This isn't even a problem only in Negro communities. It's also a dilemma for Caucasians, and others. But, this article highlights an important issue: the faulty image of manhood leads to frustration (anger) which Solomon would tell us leads to our demise.

How could it be manhood to be servile? Humility and servility are not the same. Servility relates to forced labor. Humility doesn't ask someone to be ashamed of who God made them. It does not say to hide the deep voice God gave you. Nor does it ask you to hide the physical stature the He blessed you with. Humility does not request that you act sheepishly. Servility makes you one way before some people and another way before others. Humility makes you the same (humble) before all people.

Manhood is humble - but not servile. How can we stand up for our families and our communities if we are servile? Servility lets "anything go..." and our family and the community go right along with it. The women are thrown off by a lack of manhood, and sent into disparate directions trying to fill the manhood void themselves. Children are thrown off by the lack of family guidance that results from the lack of manhood that leads to the depletion of womanhood. The neighborhood is thrown off by the lack of strong families to serve as anchors for the community. All of this because we are part of a system that is proven to be frustrating.

There is no social welfare program that can fix this problem. This must be fixed through our own initiative, by the grace of God. Men must learn to be men. My brothers, we must stop the madness and return to the faith of our ancestors. Think about the countless ones who took the lash rather than stand by and watch slave masters rape their wives and beat their children. We always hear of those servile ones who stood by and did nothing - that's what they want us to hear. They want us to think that our ancestors did nothing, and so we too are to stand by and watch the destruction of our families.

But, I ask you to think of those humble men who defended their families and stood strong and courageous in the fear of the Lord. Reparations demands that we learn about and emulate those men. Reparations calls the Negro woman to use her stature in society to promote the Negro man, rather than run by him in the name of career and achievement. No, I don't say she shouldn't work or shouldn't achieve. I just ask that she endeavor to not do it to the detriment of the man. We all must understand and appreciate the history at work in these situations. Therefore, I ask the sisters to realize the damage done to a man's sense of self-worth and value to his community in your pursuits. I ask the sisters to realize that this damage to the self-worth of a man is equally damaging to her, their children and the community. Think about it for a minute, sisters. Before you dismiss it as chauvinist, please try to think of three reasons why it could prove damaging to the overall picture.

Maybe someone out there has a solution...let's hear it. We are in this together. I don't know how we do it, but I know it must be done. We must reclaim manhood if we are to repair nations, and get our Reparations.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Reparations as an Expression of Christian Love

James 5: 1-6

Look here, you rich people, weep and groan with anguish because of all the terrible troubles ahead of you. 2 Your wealth is rotting away, and your fine clothes are moth-eaten rags. 3 Your gold and silver have become worthless. The very wealth you were counting on will eat away your flesh in hell. This treasure you have accumulated will stand as evidence against you on the day of judgment. 4 For listen! Hear the cries of the field workers whom you have cheated of their pay. The wages you held back cry out against you. The cries of the reapers have reached the ears of the Lord Almighty. 5 You have spent your years on earth in luxury, satisfying your every whim. Now your hearts are nice and fat, ready for the slaughter. 6 You have condemned and killed good people who had no power to defend themselves against you.
Those who build wealth by cheating others of their pay will face God's wrath. Their wealth and long line of accumulated "old money" will testify against them before the Lord. "The wages (they) held back cry out against (them). The cries of those who harvest (their) fields have reached the ears of the Lord Almighty."

This is why Reparations should be paid. Not for our sake, but for the sake of the souls of those who earned their living by "wringing the sweat from the face of another," as President Lincoln said, and from those who inherited the wealth from the cheating of others. As the rich man who shunned Lazarus (Lk. 16:19-31), those who have already reposed have already had to come before the Lord. They wish for someone to come and tell their descendants to change their ways. Because for those who are still living, there is yet hope.

The hope is that they would avoid the "terrible troubles ahead of (them)." They inherited wheat, but also the tares that were mingled therein. The inherited wealth, but they also inherited the sin by which that wealth was accumulated. Just as we inherit the sin of Adam, so have they inherited the sin of slaveholding, slave-profiteering and Jim Crow.

Our plea for Reparations is thus one of compassion; one of love for mankind. For our God does not delight in the death of the sinner but that he should repent and live. We seek Reparations for the sake of your soul, indeed for the soul of our very Nation and World.

Reparations for any other reason is wrong, in fact I would say for any other reason, Reparations is selfish. All the reasons being currently espoused do focus on revenge. Vengeance is the Lord's and He will definitely repay. As Christians, we need not be concerned with justice being done, for we know that the Supreme Judge of All will execute justice. Yet because of love, we are concerned with seeing our fellow man saved from the fire and "terrible troubles ahead of (them)."

Ergo, we seek Reparations not from dislike or hatred, but from a deep and burning love. We seek Reparations not to penalize those who weren't directly responsible, but to see the redemption of those who indirectly benefited and likewise inherited the stain of blood left in attaining their wealth.

We seek Reparations because it is our duty as Christians to admonish fellow believers to not stray from the faith. It is our duty to gently restore those believers who have wandered astray. So, we endeavor to do this work with love in our hearts, with hope for redemption and with faith in His Word. We are confident that to push for Reparations is right because it is said that "if someone among you wanders away from the truth and is brought back, you can be sure that whoever brings the sinner back will save that person from death and bring about the forgiveness of many sins." So, humble we take on this task, trusting in the Lord's mercy.

God told Adam at his expulsion from Paradise that, "by the sweat of your brow shall you earn your bread." Who can fly in the face of the Almighty God and deny that to base your economy on earning your bread from the sweat of another man's brow is a sin - a disobeying of God's commandment. Reparations is thus not a political issue, but a spiritual issue. For truly, no law can legislate such an action. However, where there is sin, we know there must be atonement - not for the sake of the one who has been wronged, but for the sake of the one who performed the wrong. In love, I call on everyone to support Reparations on this basis - that our Nation may heal, and that we may all live together in peace and love, both now and in eternity.

David Horowitz gave us his "10 Reasons Why Reparations for Blacks is a Bad Idea for Blacks - and Racist Too." By God's grace you may see the ONE reason - that trumps all reasons - why it is a good idea for whites, and for all mankind.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Reparations Requires a Dramatic Shift

When starting a business or starting a movement, it is a revolution. And, a revolution is simply a change. It has been a long time coming, and I do still know a change is go'n come - Oh yes it will! But, where does that change begin?

Why would change begin "out there?" Why would the "powers that be" change the way things are done when we haven't changed ourselves? It was the change within ourselves that ignited the changes in society, leading to the end of Jim Crow. It will be the change within ourselves that will ignite the changes in society that will end the myriad disparities we face.

But, we don't want to change. I mean - if we change, the fight will be over. And then, what will we do? What will we have to look forward to once that "one day" when we shall overcome appears? So, for the sake of the struggle - we struggle. Frederick Douglass said, "without struggle there is no progress." Very true, but Mr. Douglass I must ask: "without progress what's the point of the struggle?" Can anyone answer that for me? Of course you can't! There is not point to struggle without progress. So you see that what we're doing is pointless!!!

Reparations requires a dramatic shift. Our ways of thought must change if we're to ever attain true Reparations. And, that's where we must start. So long ago Mr. Charles Woodson said we were mis-educated and needed to be re-educated. But alas, we've still gotten it all wrong. We have neglected re-education, preferring simply to gripe about the mis-education - doing nothing to fix the problem.

How do we fix this mess? Garvey would say that we need institutions. Our institutions - our organizations. But, our organizations are failing us. We speak of how their institutions are failing us - the schools are undereducating our children. But, how much better are our institutions performing? What have they done to change the way that people think about life and their roles in life?

These organizations have talked a good game - throwing bricks at the establishment. But, we need those bricks for our own development. We must quit wasting these valuable bricks, and use them to build our institutions - to build our communities. Our organizations must begin the work of re-education: shifting the ways of thought which prevail in our society.

Einstein would define insanity as doing the same thing over and over, yet expecting different results. So, my scientific reasoning must say that we are insane! Reparations calls us to end the madness, and chart a new course.

Follow me to your Reparations!

Monday, May 22, 2006

The Realness: Setting the Record Straight

I just want to set the record straight before all the naysayers start speaking. We are not pretending, perpetrating, or faking to be Nationalist . We do not say we ascribe to true Christian teachings so that we can fit in with society. On the flipside, we are also not claiming to be the pillars of Nationalism nor of Christianity. Humbly, we wish to share our thoughts with you, in hopes that you would join us in growth and the achievement of our inalienable rights. We are doing this in order to repair ourselves and acquire true Reparations.

But don't become confused. We refuse to be part of the madness, misleading the people and promoting their addiction to social welfare programs. We are for "Capitalism and Freedom:" the type of capitalism which empowers people, freeing them from servitude to an ungodly master, making them "Free to Choose" as endowed by God. Reparations is a Christian issue.

My people, stay away from the teachings of false leaders. They rap struggle, sing struggle, speak struggle, write struggle, film struggle, preach struggle, teach struggle, wear struggle, but no one is offering the people a tangible plan to GET OUT of struggle. As Bob Marley said, "Wake up and live y'all!" This blog is a call to arms to inspire the brokenhearted and give them hope. This is a call to arms of love and honesty - a call for a resurgence of faith. May God bless us as we endeavor to return to Him. Amen.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Reparations: The Mission

Reparations: The Blog is a publication for the Negro woman and man, for the downtrodden, disfranchised and dispossessed of society. The purpose of this publication is to show the Negro how to get his or her Reparations. From a race-first, Pan-Africanist perspective, when we say Reparations, we speak of much more than a check.

When we speak of Reparations, we are speaking of Self-Reliance. We believe that a check from the government (or some other handout) is only a very small - negligible - fraction of the issue, a fraction that is not necessary for forward movement.

Greater is the need to seize economic control of our communities, as we Negroes here in America spend more money than any of the other so-called "minority groups," we just lack the self-reliant, national commitment to take advantage of the situation. A check from the government would serve as deception, becouse without the economic base we will return the money straight to the mainstream economy, with no benefit to our community.

It is more important that we organize ourselves politically, because political strength can create a buffer zone, allowing for the development of a strong economic base, a base that will allow us to rid ourselves of unemployment, poor education, poor health care and poverty. This will in turn allow us to rid ourselves of the problems, which lead to crime, violence and drugs. By forming a strong political vessel, a race first Pan-African political group, we are guaranteed to meet our own needs, namely control over our economic situation.

That is Reparations - doing for self. Reparations is about us as Negro people standing on our own, with no one but ourselves, realizing that no true help or assistance is going to come from those external to our communities. Reparations is about repairing our minds - conditioning minds to acknowledge the fact that we are strong enough to help ourselves.

This publication is written with that spirit. Reparations: The Blog will address the repair of our people mentally, physically and spiritually. It will address Nationalism, the need for it and the benefits of such ideology, thus dispelling the negative connotation thrust upon it by either those who fail to understand it, or by those who wish to continue misleading the people. Reparations: The Blog is about solutions. Come and get your Reparations: The Blog!!!

Monday, May 15, 2006

Reparations: In Defense of Our Legacy

Some would say, "what does immigration have to do with Reparations?"

Good question. Answer: one should have nothing to do with the other. But, those debating the issue want to drag us into it.

Why is it that I hear people comparing the immigration debate to the Civil Rights Movement. Some Illegal Alien activist had the audacity to say they are preparing for their Selma and their Montgomery!

I say, if they want to prepare for such a struggle go right ahead. But, there is nothing that will happen to them that can be compared to the Civil Rights Movement. When they had their demonstrations a few weeks ago, there was no fire department hosing them down; no police dogs attacked them; and, while bigots probably were visible, no one was lynched, tarred and feathered or otherwise abused.

I say to those organizing for the rights of Illegal Aliens: "DO NOT compare this to the Civil Rights Movement!" And, "hands off our legacy!" The blood, sweat and tears that our ancestors laid out for our rights must not be mocked. Are you saying that African people came to this Country illegally? (We might have been brought here wait - we were brought here legally, just immorally!) Are you saying that the struggles of those who were brought here as cattle compare to those who willingly come to this Country? Do the hardships of a life that we didn't seek compare to the hardships faced by those looking for them?

There is no comparison to be made here. The Civil Rights Movement is off limits for you. Please, this is not about racism or bigotry. This is about Reparations and defending our legacy.

For someone to draw comparison between the two struggles either shows a lack of respect for our struggle, or an ignorance of our struggle.
I believe that the Negro voice is the only valid voice on this debate - well, maybe us and the Native American. America is a land of immigrants (except again for the Natives), and only the Negro came here not seeking freedom and opportunity. We did not come to America seeking a better way of life. Nor were we seeking to escape the tyranny of our homeland. We were brought here to build freedom and opportunity for others.

But, I am not about to say that we would have been better off in Africa - having never been brought to America, for all is under the providence of a Loving God. I say to our brothers in humankind what Joseph said to his brothers, "As far as I am concerned, God turned into good what you meant for evil. He brought me to the high position I have today so I could save the lives of many people."

So in that spirit, I submit the key to solving the immigration problem - it is a problem. The key is our foreign policy. The vast majority comes to America - legally and illegally - in pursuit of a better life; this is the same reason that most Europeans came to this Country. As President Bush said, the risk their lives in pursuit of wages that Americans wouldn't (frankly shouldn't) accept.

But, why do they flock to this Country? Certainly it's not to get a rise out of Americans. They come to this Country because of their poverty. And, the road to prosperity leads to America. We should be humbled by what God has given us. As it is written, to whom much is given much shall be required. It is not for us to hoard the blessings we've received, but to share them with our neighbors.

No one's saying to give them a hand-out, hooking the entire hemisphere on that dependency-building drug: welfare. But, we ought to work with these countries to truly develop their own plan for prosperity - the same opportunity for prosperity afforded to Americans. So long as people believe that only Americans are endowed with inalienable rights, people will flock our borders to become American.

Now, please leave our struggle out of your debate! Don't disturb my focus...the focus is Reparations: defending our hard won legacy from being watered down by trifles, which could be solved rather easily. Reparations will not allow Negroes to be a springboard for everyone to step on us on their way to inclusion. Reparations dictates that we provide others with solutions for their problems while protecting the integrity of our situation - believing always in the Brotherhood of man and the Fatherhood of God. Everyone could use some Reparations - come and get yours!

Reparations is not throwing stones....

It is said, "if you live in a glass house, don't throw stones." Yet, we continuously launch them at the establishment, although we have no platform on which to stand. Last night, I watched Al Sharpton on Sharp Talk. He led a discussion on Hurricane Katrina, her aftermath and the Government response. Like the good guard dogs that we are, we bark up the tree at Republicans, lick the feet of Democrats and receive nothing substantial from either.

Again, we need to understand Reparations...what it is, and what it is not. Reparations is about seizing opportunities, not waiting for them to be handed to us on a silver platter. We witness all the opportunities for economic prosperity unfolding in New Orleans. We witness the opportunity to build a city that meets the needs of our people. We witness the opportunity to seize political control of a city that means a great deal to the Country economically. Yet, instead of seizing the opportunity, we're waiting for someone to open the door for us.

We're upset because the majority of the contracts are going to white firms. We're upset because Mayor Nagin sought "right-wing" support. We're upset because the Government is not providing the people with a means by which to return to the city. Like Jay-Z's old parody, "the Mad Rapper," we are "Mad Citizens;" wasting time crying to the Ref about the last foul while the game is still being played. I like that "Mad Rapper" parody. What Jay was saying is that while everyone else complains about the game and how it's being played, he was going to focus on out-playing everyone. And, he has. As a present day Kennedy-type, he took his hustle to a higher level, ignoring unfairness and outsmarting the opposition. Who says you can't learn anything positive from a rapper?

We have to play the game better. We have to outsmart the opposition. In the scheme of things, who cares about what they didn't do in assisting the Katrina victims? What's more important is what we're going to do now. Don't get me wrong: having been through two hurricanes - one a 4, the other a 5 - I can completely empathize and sympathize with those who suffered Katrina. We in the United States Virgin Islands were without power for SIX (6) months! We were without telephone for about a YEAR! And in a small territory where there is very limited television (one local station), we were without cable for more than one year! Two and three years after the storm, people were still waiting for FEMA to send the money to fix their roofs. Two and three years later, our islands were still full of homes covered with blue FEMA tarp. So, believe me, we in the Virgin Islands understand.

But, once we understand what is our response? History should tell us that the Government isn't going to respond effectively. And, that's not a Democrat/Republican thing. That's a Government/Citizen thing. We must take charge of our destiny. The Declaration of Independence states that God endowed us with inalienable rights. It is we, ourselves, who are to pursue those rights. It is not the Government's duty to secure those rights for us. Nor, should we want the Government to do so. Do you really want the Government telling you how to be free?

Reparations says that WE lay claim to New Orleans. We ought to ensure that the 75% of New Orleaneans (Negro) are able to vote and have a 75% stake in the rebuilding of that city. We should be mad at the Congressional Black Caucus. Instead of holding the Government accountable for the future, they're busy trying to hold them accountable for the past. Meanwhile, the future is running away from us, and we're being shut out of the process.

Don't be hoodwinked! Don't be bamboozled! Reparations will not allow us to think as Democrats or Republicans, but as Negro people. We have joined the Democrats in blasting the Republicans over the response to Katrina. The Democrats are expecting us to vote Democratic in '06 and '08 (as usual) because of the "Republican response." But, has any Democrat given us a plan for what they will do to ensure that we receive that 75% stake in the rebuilding of New Orleans? They state how the response was inept. They talk about what they would have done differently, and if something like this happens again.

Why are we worrying about "if something like this happens again?" Christ tell us, let tomorrow worry about itself, and that today's worries are enough. Only God knows if we will face this type of destruction again. We do know, however, that we have to rebuild. We do know that we are being excluded from the rebuilding process. We do know that hundreds of thousands of New Orleaneans have been displaced, with no means of return and no reason to return. We do know that the dynamic of the city is changing as we speak; the game is still being played, while we cry foul to the Ref from what happened in the second quarter.

Reparations dictates that we find a way to make every situation work for us. How do we ensure that "New Orleans will be chocolate again?" How do we ensure that it is not only chocolate, but mint chocolate: brown with a strong base of green? Has a high-level Democrat pushed a program to do this? Has a high-level Republican done so? Until then, pledge no allegiance to neither...Get your Reparations!

Thursday, May 11, 2006

The Realness: Reparations

It has become the new mass movement, grabbing the attention of the masses. But, how much do we really know about Reparations? Left to politrictians, the Mess Media, the "Black Bourgeoisie," and the Weekend Warriors, the issue is made into some kind of "get rich quick scheme." The vast majority is focusing solely on lawsuits and ways to acquire more government funds, not at the root of the issue.

The root of Reparations is REPAIR, or to fix. So, if we want our Reparations, we want to be fixed. Not speaking from a nationalist perspective on Reparations is paramount to wishing to be fixed by someone other than ourselves. Our perspectives have been skewed to the point that we are on the verge of launching another "we shall overcome" type movement, organizing more marches and looking for additional government handouts.

While I do agree that they owe us a debt for our "service," as well as for the lasting affects of slavery and colonialism, I do not feel that the money is necessary; it would be nice, but not necessary. We have our own money. And, if we focused that money on building for our communities, we would have our Reparations.

But, we don't want to develop; all we want to do is meet. Every week we have "great meetings," and go home satisfied, although we've accomplished nothing. Where's the action? What do all of these meetings accomplish?

To many within our communities, Reparations seems like some kind of foreign issues because we have not shown the community how it applies at the "here and now" level. We must bring the issue of Reparations to the masses, and show them how it applies everyday. You see Reparations is an issue of self-sufficiency, not of finding some new crutch to help us off our decrepit butts. If we want to have Reparations, we must repair ourselves.

I’d like to close this message to you with the very real words of His Imperial Majesty Emperor Haile Selassie the First, as he speaks on self-sufficiency:

The people themselves must come to realize their own difficulties in the development of their community and try to solve them by collective participation following an order or priority and taking their potentiality into account. It is well known to you all that recognizing one’s problems and striving hard to challenge them is a mark of an attempt at self-sufficiency. Self-help in the benefits to be acquired through education will save the individual from asking someone’s assistance.